Elvis Lives in Tweed Ontario

Elvis scs1An Englishman is the Ultimate Elvis? The King would have turned over in his grave!

Surely only a southern boy with the grime of the delta and the rhythms of gospel ingrained in his soul could possibly be the definitive Elvis?

Gordon Hendricks s

But the winner at Tweed’s Tribute to Elvis Festival 2013 was 42-year-old Gordon Hendricks from Stoke-on-Trent in England, who looks a lot better than Elvis did at the same age. From the moment he steps on the stage, he is transformed into the youthful version of The King. Continue reading

Richmond, BC – A Dip into Asia

Richmond Night Market Richmond BC

The colourful, delicious Richmond Night Market is a must for visitors

Few cities in Canada can boast a true immersion experience into another culture. I don’t mean the gentle toe-dip into Little India or Greektown in Toronto, or the mild submersion of Vancouver’s Chinatown.

Richmond, BC takes one into the underwater depths of an extraordinary ethnic ocean. Several Asian traditions – China, Korea, Japan, Thailand, Viet Nam, etc – flourish in this multicultural lagoon. Continue reading

Fredericton, Ever Been?

Walking by the St. John River, the water is so still reflecting the sky that one might almost flip this picture upside down

Walking by the St. John River, the water is so still reflecting the sky that one might almost flip this picture upside down

It’s been named one of the top ten cities in which to live in Canada. But Fredericton, New Brunswick should also be named one of the top ten to visit. And I have ten reasons why.

Number one is an eco-friendly network of 85 km of walking and cycling paths extending along the St. John and Nashwaak River.

bikes on the bridge s

The walking and cycling bridge connects the two sides of the river. Stop in the middle for spectacular views. Continue reading