Bonhomme Carnaval


Arriving at the airport in Quebec City, I can’t resist a photo with a familiar character.

Bonhomme Fun Facts

To most Canadians, Bonhomme is as familiar as Santa Claus and he’s immediately linked with Carnaval, Quebec’s unbeatable way to warm up the winter.  But did you know these little known Bonhomme facts? Continue reading

Joyeux Carnaval!

Joyeux Carnaval! Bonnehome and me

Bonhomme Carnaval and I posing in the eerie light of this year’s Ice Palace. Take a tour further down.

If there’s one thing Canadians know, it’s how the make the best of winter. But Quebec has perfected the art of making it fun.

No matter how cold it gets, hibernation is not an option. Instead, Carnaval, the largest winter carnival in Canada and one of the oldest in the world (it began in 1894) takes a bite out of frosty February. Continue reading

Kanatha-Aki – A Healing Place

My stallion Colos and me. Photo courtesy of Pierre Bessette.

A big brown eye cautiously regards me. I’m stroking his neck, but Colos is a rescue horse who has been mistreated, so he’s not sure about this human. After a few minutes, we make friends, but mounting this gentle giant offers a different challenge; I can’t reach the stirrup without a hand up. He stands patiently as I climb into the saddle in an undignified scramble. Continue reading